Draw a line parallel to the line ^@AB^@ and passing through ^@C^@ such that ^@C^@ is a point outside ^@AB.^@
- Draw a line segment ^@AB^@ and take a point ^@C^@ somewhere above the line ^@AB.^@ Join ^@AC.^@
- With ^@A^@ as center, draw an arc of suitable radius cutting ^@AB^@ at ^@D^@ and ^@AC^@ at ^@M.^@
- With ^@C^@ as center and same radius as in step ^@2,^@ draw an arc ^@EF^@ cutting ^@CA^@ at ^@G.^@
- Now, place the compass at ^@ D ^@ and adjust the pencil such that the radius equals ^@ DM ^@. With the same radius, draw an arc with ^@ G ^@ as centre cutting the arc ^@ EF ^@ at ^@ H. ^@
- Join ^@ CH ^@ and extend that line to both sides and name it ^@ L. ^@ Line ^@ L ^@ is parallel to ^@AB.^@