Find the area of the figure below. Also, find the altitude to the base of the triangle.

(All measurements are in centimeters)


Area: 36 cm2
Altitude: 24 cm

Step by Step Explanation:

  1. The area of the triangle can be calculated using Heron's formula since all sides of the triangle are known.
    S =  
    3 + 25 + 26
      = 27 cm.
    The area of the triangle = √27(27 - 3)(27 - 25)(27 - 26) = 36 cm2
  2. Let's assume, 'h' is the altitude to the base of the triangle,
    The altitude to the base of the triangle =  
    2 × (The area of the triangle)
    The base of the triangle
    2 × 36
    = 24 cm

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